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How to Address Facial Volume Loss: Facial Filler, Fat Transfer, and Facial Grafting

When people think of aging, they often think of facial changes such as fine lines and wrinkles. However, aging can also be associated with a loss of volume in areas including the jawline, lips, and cheeks, sometimes leaving behind hollow spaces. Although a solid skincare regimen with anti-aging products and moisturizers can help prevent and treat volume loss, many people choose to undergo invasive and noninvasive treatments to rejuvenate their appearance. Whether you prefer noninvasive treatments such as dermal fillers or a more permanent procedure such as a surgical facial fat transfer, there are a number of options to restore lost volume from aging.

Dermal fillers are an effective and safe way to counteract the facial volume loss associated with aging. As you age, your body naturally decreases the production of certain molecules, such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, which provide volume to your face. Dermal fillers are artificially formulated to mimic these molecules to boost volume in your face. There are a wide variety of dermal fillers available based upon the area you are interested in treating. A consultation will be the best way of determining which facial filler is best for your cosmetic goals. Facial fillers tend to last around one year and treatments need to be repeated to maintain results.

A fat transfer procedure is a surgical procedure which involves harvesting and purifying fat cells from one area to be transferred to another area where volume is lost. Unlike facial fillers, a fat transfer procedure is more invasive and has more downtime associated. This procedure would both reduce fat in stubborn areas of your body and restore fat to areas which have lost volume.

No matter what your goals for treatment are, we are here to help guide you through options to treat facial aging. If you would like to hear more about facial fillers or treat or would like to schedule a consultation or treatment, contact Buffalo Plastic Surgery at 716-821-2935.

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