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Dropping” and “Fluffing” After a Breast Augmentation

It is understandable that you might be excited and anxious to see your final results as soon as possible after breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to allow your body to adjust to your new implants. During the healing process, your implants will begin to “drop and fluff” to reveal your final results.

What is dropping and fluffing?

Dropping and fluffing occurs when your new breast implants settle into position over time after breast augmentation. Immediately after breast augmentation surgery, it is common for breast implants to sit high or appear square in shape. Your implants will begin “dropping” into a lower position and “fluffing” to become rounder and more full at the lower breast area as your muscles relax after surgery. Over time, your implants will fully drop and fluff, resulting in rounder and softer implants which appear more natural.

How long will it take until my implants drop and fluff?

The amount of time it takes for implants to drop and fluff depends on your own individual healing and recovery from breast augmentation surgery. Initially, you will be bruised and swollen after surgery and your muscles will be tight. As the bruising and swelling continue to resolve over the course of a few weeks, your muscles begin relaxing and the drop and fluff process will begin. It can take up to six months for your breast implants to completely drop and fluff and this timeline is also specific to your individual recovery as well as the size and weight of your implants.

Although there is not much that can be done to speed up the drop and fluff process, following the post operative instructions of your plastic surgeon can prevent poor healing and optimize your own results. It is important to continue wearing compression garments as instructed by your surgeon, follow incision care and scar management instructions, avoid heavy lifting or exercise in accordance with your healing timeline and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle after surgery.

Does dropping and fluffing affect the size of your implants?

There are a number of factors which may affect the size of your implants. After surgery, your swelling and muscle tightness will resolve over time, which may change the shape and size of your breasts. Additionally, as your implants continue to drop to a lower position and soften, they will look more natural and round. Keep in mind that changes in both the shape and size of your breasts after breast augmentation surgery are normal and expected following surgery, so it may take months to see your final results.

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