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Do You Need a Breast Implant Revision?

Although breast implants are expected to be replaced after 10 years, certain conditions may require breast implants to be replaced earlier. For instance, if you begin to notice aging breast skin or would like to change the size of your implants, breast implant revision surgery may be a good fit for you. Looking out for the following signs may help you determine whether or not you would be a candidate for breast implant revision surgery.

You feel like your implants are too big or too small.

If you are unhappy with the size of your breasts, breast augmentation revision surgery can help you adjust the size of your breasts by switching to smaller or larger implants.

You have developed capsular contracture.

Scarring is a normal and expected part of healing after surgery. In the case of breast augmentation surgery, the body recognizes the breast implants as foreign objects and forms a “capsule” of scar tissue around the implants, ultimately providing support for the implants. However, in some cases, dense scar tissue will be overproduced and harden around the implant during what is known as capsular contracture.

Capsular contracture can range from moderate to severe and often interferes with the outcome of breast surgery. More severe cases of capsular contracture can cause implants to feel hard and appear unnatural or misshapen. Breast implant revision surgery is a good option for patients experiencing capsular contracture to soften implants and improve the appearance of their breasts.

Your breast implant has ruptured.

Breast implants may rupture due to abrupt or accidental pressure or the weakening of the implant shell with age. When a saline implant ruptures, the saline solution will be quickly absorbed by the body and the breast will appear deflated. On the other hand, when silicone implants rupture, the silicone gel from within the implant will leak out slowly and ultrasound or MRI screening is required to diagnose the rupture. In either case, breast implant revision surgery would be used to remove and replace damaged implants.

Your breast implant has bottomed out or moved.

Your breast implants may “bottom out” if the surrounding breast tissue cannot support the weight of the implant. When this occurs, the implant will begin to fall within the breast and drop below the breast crease while the nipples will begin to move upward. The likelihood of your implants bottoming out is higher if you have larger implants, increased skin laxity from aging, or become pregnant after your breast augmentation surgery.

Breast implants can also move over time and settle into different positions. Implant displacement occurs when the implant shifts to a different position in the chest wall. Breast implant revision surgery can help to adjust the pocket and position implants back into a desirable location.

Your breast implants are causing pain or discomfort.

If your breast implants feel painful, there may be a number of underlying causes, such as capsular contracture, pinched nerves, or implant rupture. Discomfort from breast implants is not a normal or expected result of breast augmentation surgery and should be discussed with your surgeon.

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